Humens provides an array of flexible HR solutions, varying from People & Culture, HR software to Compensation & Benefits. In short, your Humens HR team for HR transformation and change is one mouse click away.
"Vanaf het moment dat ik Spoor6 overnam heb ik Petra Oudshoorn, als extern adviseur, direct gevraagd om mij te helpen met alle HR gerelateerde zaken. Inmiddels zijn we 4,5 jaar verder en is de samenwerking recht evenredig met de groei van Spoor6 en haar zusterondernemingen naar volle tevredenheid uitgebouwd. We maken nu ook gebruik van NMBRS onder de bezielende leiding van Anne van Haga. Ondanks dat Humens een externe organisatie is ervaren wij dit niet zo. Humens ontzorgt ons volledig!"
Miriam Diekman - Bestuurder The Care Center BV & Spoor6 BV
“Professional, approachable and positive. Humens combine their broad HR expertise with an eye for the organization behind the processes. As a result, all procedures and advice fit perfectly with our culture and industry!”
Neddo Siebum - HR manager
"We have worked with Petra, Anne and the team at Humens for over 4 years, the tailored support we have received has been first-rate. The guidance and advice given allows us to feel confident we’re approaching any HR issues the right way. They don’t do “tick box” consultancy but take the time to get to know your business and the challenges that you face. From setting up basic HR requirements, assisting with Payroll and helping with difficult HR challenges – Humens have been by our side every step of the way. I see the team at Humens as extended members of Intermission Film."
Emma Lewis - Operations Manager Intermission Film
"The HR team of Humens comes up with innovative and pragmatic solutions to cater to NextPax's current and future HR needs. They provide professional services with short communication lines and act as the HR sparring partner for our EMEA, USA, and APAC management teams. But most of all, we value an excellent interpersonal working relationship, which is a condition for every business's success!"
Philip Kildegaard - Chief Operating Officer